Issue #465
Use EasyStash
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| import EasyStash
final class Store<T: Codable & ItemProtocol>: Codable { var items = [T]()
func bookmark(item: T) { items.append(item) }
func unbookmark(item: T) { guard let index = items.firstIndex(where: { $0.itemId == item.itemId }) else { return }
items.remove(at: index) }
func isBookmark(item: T) -> Bool { return items.contains(where: { $0.itemId == item.itemId }) } }
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| import EasyStash
final class StoreContainer { var food: Store<Food>
static var shared = StoreContainer() let storage = try! Storage(options: Options())
init() { food = try? storage.load(forKey: "food", as: Store<Food>.self) ?? Store<Food>() } }
If Swift has problem compiling because of generic, use try catch to declare in multiple steps in stead of ??
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| init() { do { = try storage.load(forKey: "food", as: Store<Food>.self) } catch { = Store<Food>() } }